
Patrick Hallahan joins music legends on a tour of their hometown’s hidden gems, transforming favorite meals into a community feast with music as the main course.

Patrick Hallahan – drummer for the stadium-filling band My Morning Jacket, and a highly-regarded home chef, award-winning restaurateur, and burgeoning TV chef –travels to the hometown of a well-known, food-loving musician. While he’s there they visit the guest artist’s favorite local restaurants to discuss how food shaped their career and their upbringing and dine at some of the places that inspired their music –where songs were written and careers were born. After visiting with the city’s best chefs and hottest kitchens, they sample some local fare –and local music –and then return to the artist’s home, where chefs from some of the town’s iconic restaurants join them to prepare a musical feast symbolic of the town, with friends, neighbors, and local food-focused charities the guests of honor for this block party like no other.